Here are the full details with photos of our upcoming release of the newest WOM figures and colorways! 

The drop will occur on Wednesday 9/4 at 12pm pacific time.
This exciting release includes figures and accessory packs as featured in the recent "Power of the Lifespring" Storyline will be available at the
The new products will include:

1. Weaponeers of Monkaa DX Lifespring Empyreus - $15

This is a deluxe Weaponeer figure featuring additional paint details, a full set of bonus heads, sword and sickle weapon and bonus Vac Metal ABS Accessories!
Each figure includes 34 Glyos System Compatible parts molded in GLOW in the DARK PVC and silver chrome ABS parts, and a matching trading card.
2. Weaponeers of Monkaa Glowstone Gohlem - $12

This standard Weaponeer figure includes a full set of bonus heads and sword and sickle accessories. Each figure includes 31 Glyos System Compatible
GLOW in the DARK PVC parts and a matching trading card.

3. Weaponeers of Monkaa DX Close Combat Armory - $5

This deluxe Close Combat Armory includes a complete PVC Close Combat Armory in an alternate build plus bonus Vac Metal ABS parts! Each Set includes 17 Glyos System Compatible
GLOW in the DARK PVC and silver chrome ABS parts. Compatible with all Weaponeers of Monkaa actions figures and other 6-7" action figure lines!

4. Weaponeers of Monkaa Close Combat Armory - $3

This standard Close Combat Armory ships un-assembled and includes 14 Glyos System Compatible
GLOW in the DARK PVC parts. Compatible with all Weaponeers of Monkaa actions figures and other 6-7" action figure lines!

We will also have limited quantities of our SDCC figures available for this drop.

 5. The WEAPONEER! Monkaarian Lord of War! - $15

This Deluxe figure will include mock card back, all alternate Weaponeers of Monkaa heads, weapons, a hand made cape, and Close Combat Armory set in a matching color.

That's not all! There will be a special Fully Armed Upgrade option available as well! This Super Deluxe option will include all that comes with the Deluxe figure, PLUS a full set of the Original Weaponeers of Monkaa Armory in solid white to match the paint ops on this figure.
The Super Deluxe option (a $25 value) is a great value at $20!

6. The W.O.M.O.M.F.G. Gohlem - $12

The W.O.M.O.M.F.G. Gohlem is a collaboration with our awesome friends, October Toys. Paying much respect to their popular fan participation and crowd funded OMFG mini-figure line. The W.O.M.O.M.F.G. Gohlem is molded in the same flesh toned plastic as those Outlandish Mini Figure Guys. It also includes a mock card back, all alternate Weaponeers of Monkaa heads, weapons, and matching Close Combat Armory set. There is even a special OMFG faction symbol just for this figure.

See you all WEDNESDAY!!!